The DSTI-NICIS National e-Science Postgraduate Teaching and Training Platform (NEPTTP) provides funding and training for MA and MSc degree programmes in Data Science.
This page offers information on funding, applications, and careers, as well as specific degree information about each programme.
An integral part of the first year coursework component is the CAPSTONE Project that students are required to complete. On this page you can watch videos of students discussing their projects.
You can also find out about recent students’ final research projects, as well as publications from Data Science researchers.
This page provides more information on how to apply, what documentation you will need, and eligibility criteria.
Master's Programmes
The DSI-NICIS National e-Science Postgraduate Teaching and Training Platform (NEPTTP) was launched in 2017 after the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) identified the need to establish a multi-institutional consortium in data science in South Africa...
Our Research
The NEPTTP MSc and MA programmes in e-Science were launched in 2018. An integral part of the 1st year coursework component is the CAPSTONE Project that students are required to complete. This project equips students with the theoretical and practical skills to plan, conduct, analyse and present a...
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